Digital Europe Programme is the first EU programme that aims to accelerate the recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe.
Open Calls - Deadline: 22.02.2022:
Advanced digital skills analysis
An ecosystem for digital twins in healthcare
Coordinate the first deployment of national EuroQCI projects and prepare the large-scale QKD testing and certification infrastructure
Create a European Industrial Ecosystem for Secure QCI technologies and systems
Data Spaces Support Centre
Deploying advanced national QCI systems and networks
Digital Product Passport: sustainable and circular systems
Digital Solutions in support of the New European Bauhaus Initiative
e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange (e-CODEX)
European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) - national and multinational hubs
Federated European infrastructure for genomics data
Governance of the community
Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs
Marketplace for federated cloud-to-edge based services
Preparatory actions for data space for mobility
Preparatory actions for data spaces for manufacturing
Preparatory actions for the AI-on-demand platform
Preparatory actions for the data space for Agriculture
Preparatory actions for the data space for skills
Preparatory actions for the data space for smart communities
Preparatory actions for the data space for tourism
Preparatory actions for the Green Deal Data Space
Safer Internet Centres (SICs)
Secretariat for the Alliance on industrial data, cloud and edge
Secretariat for the Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor technologies
Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas
Testing and Experimentation Facility for Edge AI
Uptake of digital solutions in Health and Care
Source of content and media European Commission