Global funding and growth opportunities for startups and scaleups active in the field of technology. 2021-2022 Calendar
Open calls organised by deadline ✨ premium posts✨click on the links for a free preview, deadline and other info.
Events, tools and more for business and personal growth 🎁 free posts 🎁 main focus on 🔥:
networking, raising capital and matchmaking opportunities;
technologies, new markets, industry updates;
personal, people and organisational development.
Last update: July 26th, 2021
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Have a look at the opportunities for funding and growing your business with deadlines in the coming months.
Click on the title link to read a free preview and make informed decisions to benefit from growth opportunities in due time.
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Events, tools and more for business and personal growth
🆕🎁 European Commission launches interactive mapping tool on funding opportunities for audiovisual and news media
🎁“Horizon IP Scan” Support Service for SMEs
🎁 Access2Markets - International Trade Portal
🎁 EIC Corporate Partnership Programme
🎁Project Management and Business Templates
🎁Online Mind Maps for Brainstorming, Idea Management, Note Taking, Planning, Meeting Management
🎁 Self-diagnosis tool: Readiness in developing your business strategy in China
🎁 Conference on the Future of Europe
🎁 Futurium - a new EU platform to support Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World
Open Calls Deadlines
✨Blue Economy Open Call for European Startups and SME's
✨Bioeconomy Open Call for European Startups and SME's
2021: Continuos application / No deadline / Multiple deadlines
Open Calls
✨Horizon Europe: Open Calls for Clusters
✨ Calling all Founders: Build Your Startup Regardless of Background or Geography
✨Australia and New Zealand Accelerator
🎁 InvestEU Portal - investment opportunities available within the EU
🎁18-19 March: Launch of the New European Innovation Council
✨Applications Open at One of the Best Regional Accelerators in Europe
✨Grants for Trademarks and Other IP Services for EU SME's
✨New Funding Opportunities in Europe
✨Open Innovation: New Opportunity
November 2021
Events 🎁 free posts 🎁
🎁23-25 November 2021, EU Open Data Days - Shaping our future with open data
Open Calls Deadlines
🆕 🎁 300+ Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
🆕 🎁 Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 3 - Destination 1: Better protect the EU and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism
🆕 🎁 Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 3 - Destination 2: Effective management of EU external borders
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 3 - Destination 3: Resilient Infrastructure
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 3 - Destination 4: Increased Cybersecurity
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 3 - Destination 5: Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 3 - Destination 6: Strengthened Security Research and Innovation
October 2021
Open Calls Deadlines
🆕 🎁 300+ Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 6 - Destination 2: Fair, Healthy and Environmentally-friendly Food Systems from Primary Production to Consumption
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 6 - Destination 3: Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Sectors
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 6 - Destination 4: Clean Environment and Zero Pollution
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 6 - Destination 5: Land, ocean and water for climate action
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 6 - Destination 6: Resilient, Inclusive, Healthy and Green Rural, Coastal and Urban Communities
🆕 🎁Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 6 - Destination 7: Innovative Governance, Environmental Observations and Digital Solutions in Support of the Green Deal
✨Sustainable Innovations Global Competition
✨Bioeconomy Open Call for European Startups and SME's
September 2021
Events 🎁 free posts 🎁
🎁11th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management
Open Calls Deadlines
✨Applications Open for Innovative Solutions for the Mining Sector
✨Global Food and Agriculture Tech Startups Competition
✨Digital Health Innovation Accelerator for Startups
✨ Global Startup Innovation Competition within the Food and Beverages Industry
✨Poland, Austria, Spain Open Calls for International R&D Projects
✨Horizon Europe: Open Calls for Clusters
August 2021
Open Calls Deadlines
🆕✨Early-Stage Tech Startups Global Pitching Competition
✨Retail Tech Accelerator for Startups
✨Clean and Sustainable Energy Accelerator for Startups
🎁 Applications Open for Google for Startups Accelerator: Europe, HealthTech and Well-being
✨AgTech Accelerator for Early-stage Startups
✨Innovate in the Food Industry. Global Accelerator for Startups.
✨Spain, France, Korea Open Calls for International R&D Projects
✨Open Call. Technologies for Healthy Buildings
Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash