Global funding and growth opportunities for startups and SME’s active in the field of technology. 2021 Calendar
Open calls organised by deadline ✨ premium posts✨click on the link for a free preview, deadline and other info.
Events 🎁 free posts 🎁 main focus on 🔥:
networking, raising capital and matchmaking opportunities;
technologies, new markets, industry updates;
personal, people and organisational development.
Last update: March 15th, 2021
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Have a look at the opportunities for funding and growing your business with deadlines in the coming months.
Click on the title link to read a free preview and make informed decisions to benefit from growth opportunities in due time.
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Continuos application / No deadline / Multiple deadlines
Open Calls
Applications Open at One of the Best Regional Accelerators in Europe
Grants for Trademarks and Other IP Services for EU SME's
New Funding Opportunities in Europe
Open Innovation: New Opportunity
November 2021
Events 🎁 free posts 🎁
23-25 November 2021, EU Open Data Days - Shaping our future with open data
June 2021
Events 🎁 free posts 🎁
🆕 31/05-04/06: EU Green Week 2021
Open Calls Deadlines
Participate in AI Cluster Call
May 2021
Events 🎁 free posts 🎁
🆕31/05-04/06: EU Green Week 2021
Open Calls Deadlines
🎁 free post 🎁 EU Datathon
April 2021
Events 🎁 free posts 🎁
🆕 14-15 April: Women in FinTech Virtual Summit 2021
Open Calls Deadlines
Develop the next-gen IoT product
Agrifood Tech Programmes. Launch. Accelerate. Scale
Open Call. Raw materials for the sustainable development and the circular economy
Urban Challenges Acceleration Program
Grants for Breakthrough Scientific and Technological Discoveries
Open Call for LBAAM Technology in Production Environments
Health Accelerator for Business Development in Australia
New Funding Opportunities in Europe
March 2021
Events 🎁 free posts 🎁
🆕 18-19 March: Launch of the New European Innovation Council
10 March 2021, Innovation Challenges and Industry 4.0 Solutions: Spotlight on Food System
23 March 2021, SESEC | China Blockchain Standardization, Online
11 March 2021, What does it take to Set-up and Operate a Foreign Company in China? - Online
10-12 March 2021, Free From | Asia Virtual Food Summit 2021, Online
Open Calls Deadlines
Competition Call for Early Stage Education and Talent Tech Companies
Open Call. Transnational R&D Projects
Opportunity for International Collective Research
Open Call 1. Blockchain Technology
Equity-Free CEE Startup Acceleration Program
Early-stage startups compete for up to $1M in cash & prizes
Opportunity for European Tech Suppliers to Expand in Manufacturing Sector
🎁 free post 🎁 Calling for GNSS apps supporting authorities and citizens in the COVID-19 emergency response and recovery
Opportunities in India for innovative agritech, food processing and sustainability businesses
Tech Global Competition for Entrepreneurs Addressing Global Challenges (UN SDG's)
Startups. Opportunity to Innovate in Data Cloud
New Funding Opportunities in Europe
EU Funding: Low-Carbon Technologies and Processes
February 2021
Open Calls Deadlines
Open Call. Electronic Components and Systems
Open Call 1. Innovative Solutions in Support of Active and Healthy Ageing and Independent Living
Startups: Opportunity to Win $100k Investment
Open Call. Technology Solutions for the Small Flying Objects Area
Open Call. Cybersecurity, Secure Platform for IoT
Open Call. Digital Transformation of Blue Economy
Open Call. E-learning Solutions for People in Need of Protection and Further Integration
Open Call. E-learning Solutions to Support Migrant Children's Transition to Adulthood
Open Call. Digital Solutions to Improve Access to Basic Services for Third-Country Nationals
New Funding Opportunities in Europe
Hackathon: Transform the Digital Shopping Experience
Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash