Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 5 - Destination 4: Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use
Thematic Focus:
Clustering, Development Cooperation, Economic Cooperation, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Research & Innovation, Technology Transfer & Exchange, Green Technologies & Green Deal, Climate, Climate Change, Environment & Biodiversity, Circular Economy, Sustainability, Natural Resources, Urban development
Open Calls
Advanced data-driven monitoring of building stock energy performance
Advanced energy performance assessment and certification
Full-scale demonstration of heat upgrade technologies with supply temperature in the range 90 - 160°C
Industrial excess (waste) Heat-to-Power conversion based on organic Rankine cycles
Industrialisation of deep renovation workflows for energy-efficient buildings
Deadline date: October 19th, 2021
Origin of Applicant: EU Member States; Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs).
Source of content and media European Commission