Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 5 - Destination 6: Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods
Thematic Focus:
Clustering, Development Cooperation, Economic Cooperation, Digitisation, ICT, Telecommunication, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Research & Innovation, Technology Transfer & Exchange, Green Technologies & Green Deal, Capacity Building, Cooperation Networks, Institutional Cooperation, Climate, Climate Change, Environment & Biodiversity, Circular Economy, Sustainability, Natural Resources, Health, Social Affairs, Sports, Mobility & Transport/Traffic , Urban development, Regional Development & Regional Planning, Disaster Prevention, Resiliance, Risk Management, Rural & Peripheral Development
Open Calls
Analysis of socio-economic and environmental impacts and assessment of societal, citizen and user aspects for needs based CCAM solutions (CCAM Partnership)
Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable transport infrastructure, with a focus on inland waterways
Common approaches for the safety validation of CCAM systems (CCAM Partnership)
Controlling infection on large passenger ships
Cyber secure and resilient CCAM (CCAM Partnership)
Framework for better coordination of large-scale demonstration pilots in Europe and EU-wide knowledge base (CCAM Partnership)
More efficient and effective multimodal freight transport nodes to increase flexibility, service visibility and reduce the average cost of freight transport
More powerful and reliable on-board perception and decision-making technologies addressing complex environmental conditions (CCAM Partnership)
New delivery methods and business/operating models to green the last mile and optimise road transport
Physical and Digital Infrastructure (PDI), connectivity and cooperation enabling and supporting CCAM (CCAM Partnership)
Radical improvement of road safety in low and medium income countries in Africa
Safe automation and human factors in aviation – intelligent integration and assistance
Testing safe lightweight vehicles and improved safe human-technology interaction in the future traffic system
Deadline date:Â October 19th, 2021
Origin of Applicant:Â EU Member States; Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs).
Source of content and media European Commission