Open Calls. Horizon Europe - Cluster 6 - Destination 2: Fair, Healthy and Environmentally-friendly Food Systems from Primary Production to Consumption
Thematic Focus:
Clustering, Development Cooperation, Economic Cooperation, Research & Innovation, Technology Transfer & Exchange, Climate, Climate Change, Environment & Biodiversity, Circular Economy, Sustainability, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Forestry, Fishery, Food, Consumer Protection, Capacity Building, Cooperation Networks, Institutional Cooperation
Open Calls
Animal welfare 2.0
Developing sustainable and competitive land-based protein crop systems and value chains
Digital transition supporting inspection and control for sustainable fisheries
Digitalisation as an enabler of agroecological farming systems
EU-China international cooperation on integrated pest management in agriculture
Evidence-based decision-making to change social norms towards zero food waste
Filling knowledge gaps on the nutritional, safety, allergenicity and environmental assessment of alternative proteins and dietary shift
Identification, assessment and management of existing and emerging food safety issues
Increasing the transparency of EU food systems to boost health, sustainability and safety of products, processes and diets
Microbes for healthy and sustainable food and diets
One Health approach for Food Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA)
Reaching the farm to fork target: R&I scenarios for boosting organic farming and organic aquaculture in Europe
Research & innovation roadmap for blockchain technologies in the agri-food sector
Sea to fork transparency and consumer engagement
Tackling outbreaks of plant pests
Towards an EU approach to assess and internalise positive and negative externalities of food for incentivising sustainable choices
Transition to healthy and sustainable dietary behaviour
Uncovering lock-ins and levers to encourage farmers to move to and stay in sustainable, climate-neutral and biodiversity-friendly farming systems: from experiments to systemic mechanisms
Vaccines and diagnostics for priority animal diseases
Deadline date: October 6th, 2021
Origin of Applicant: EU Member States; Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs).
Source of content and media European Commission